GSoC Week 10: I Successfully Passed The Mid-Term Evaluation

3 min readJul 13, 2024


Hello folks,

This week marks the 10th week of my Google Summer of Code (GSoC) journey with OpenMRS. I have been focusing on advancing the FHIR flag resource mapping and fixing some pending issues from previous weeks.

Creating a New Sub-module FHIR mapping

I created a new sub-module in the patient flag module to add FHIR mapping and I added the necessary interfaces and classes required for FHIR flag mapping. Currently, I have made significant progress in mapping by implementing the OpenMRS flag to FHIR resource conversion. Here is how it look likes when openMRS patient flag mapped to FHIR flag resource.

end point : http://localhost:8080/openmrs/ws/fhir2/R4/Flag/<flag uuid>

"resourceType": "Flag",
"id": "3c202af2-4b12-4314-82d8-4b01032cbb0c",
"text": {
"status": "generated"
"identifier": [
"value": "4"
"status": "active",
"category": [
"coding": [
"code": "02680e18-ee33-4667-809b-cc145fca3a69",
"display": "Allergy"
"text": "Allergy"
"code": {
"coding": [
"code": "1",
"display": "Allergy"
"subject": {
"reference": "Patient/5d3fbbb5-917d-4aa8-9101-1706feb1867c",
"type": "Patient",
"display": "Manoj Lakshan Rathnapriya (OpenMRS ID: 10000X)"
"period": {
"start": "2024-07-13T16:11:32+05:30"

However, I am facing challenges in incorporating flag styles and priority levels into this mapping and what type of operation should I include in the resource provider. I’ll be discussing this with my mentors to clarify the approach needed.


Fixing UI Issues

I worked on fixing a UI issues related to flag rendering on platform versions lower than 2.5. After debugging and fixing these issues, the flags now render correctly across different platform versions.


showing the patinet flags in patient dashboard

Another UI issue on the functionality that allows getting flagged patients by tag. This errors was preventing evaluate the patients based on tags.


Had First Evaluation

I had my first GSoC evaluation on 08 th of July and I have successfully passed the midterm evaluation phase. Looking forward to completing the next phase and delivering even more impactful results.

I prepared a presentation video for share the update with the OpenMRS community.

GSoC Demo video

Looking Ahead

Next week, I’ll focus to finishing the translation of the FHIR flag into the OpenMRS flag model.

Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for following along with my GSoC journey!

Thank you for the reading, Join me on this tech adventure! Follow my profile to stay updated on the cool world of technology and innovation. Your support means a lot, and I can’t wait to share more exciting stuff with you. Let’s stay connected for more insights and fun discoveries ahead!


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